Interface PushMessageOptions



actions?: JsonMap

Actions that the user can invoke and interact with (web push only)

badge?: string | number

The badge for iOS or Web Push devices

data?: Json

The data object which can contain additional information.

dir?: string

Defines which direction the text should be displayed (web push only)

icon?: string

The icon of the push message

image?: string

An image of the push message (web push only)

nativeBadge?: number

The number for iOS and Android devices which will occur on the top right of the icon

renotify?: boolean

The renotify option makes new notifications vibrate and play a sound (web push only)

requireInteraction?: boolean

The requireInteraction option lets stay the push message until the user interacts with it (web push only)

silent?: boolean

The silent option shows a new notification but prevents default behavior (web push only)

sound?: string

The sound of an incoming push message (web push only)

tag?: string

The tag of the push message where messages are going to be collected (web push only)

vibrate?: number[]

The vibrate property specifies a vibration pattern for the device's vibration

webBadge?: string

The web badge is the small monochrome icon which will occur on small devices (web push only)

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